And on the Fourth Week we worked on breaking the force of magnetism....
Here is a T-chart Varen created to record his data.
Students are using the scientific process.
The experiment began with a research question,
making hypotheses to test, collecting materials,
following procedures carefully,
following procedures carefully,
recording data and drawing conclusions.
At the end of the week they will present their results to the class.
OPEN HOUSE is Thursday night. There will be no homework for students on Thursday. I hope you will be able to attend to hear more about our classroom, fourth grade curriculum, schedule for field trips and see all the work that students have completed in the first month of school.
Open House Schedule
6:00-6:30 Intro K-2 staff followed by short PTA Meeting
6:35-7:05 K-2 classroom teacher session with TA's
- 7:30-8:00 Intro 3-5 staff
8:10-8:40 3-5 Classroom teacher session
Locator Card Information Sheets were sent home in Monday Folders
Please return as soon as possible. These are used by the office to reach you in case of an emergency.
RUNNING CLUB will be held on Wednesday mornings from 8:00am-8:50am. Sign up sheets were sent home with interested students on Monday.
Math assessments for place value will be ongoing this week. Our next focus will be adding and subtracting into the millions.
Beginning of year assessments for reading are complete. Students were assessed for fluency, accuracy, retelling passages orally and in writing. They also completed the Comprehensive Assessment of Reading Strategies, which tests 12 comprehension skills. Students are graphing their performance and determining strengths and areas for improvement in small groups this week.
I will be contacting parents of students who are performing below grade level in any area over the next 2 weeks. If you would like a conference, don't hesitate to contact me.
Electives are up and running. Students in band and orchestra should bring instruments Monday-Thursday. Please email Mr. Bell or Ms. Sherling if you need information on instrument rentals.
A BIG THANKS to those of you who have provided snacks! If everyone provides a box we will have enough for a few months. Students are enjoying spending their bonus bucks.
Great work by the kids.