Monday, August 31, 2015

Week One was Spectacular!

About Last Week...
On the very first day, students completed Who Am I? paragraphs and we spent the week reading them aloud to get to know each other. They ended the day with a team building activity called "Saving Fred" that required making a plan with a flowchart, and then working together to complete the task using only paper clips to put a gummy worm (Fred) into a plastic cup (his boat) in a gummy ring (his life preserver). It was great to see everyone working together to meet a goal!

What's important this week?
ELECTIVE CHOICE FOLDERS are in Monday Folders today. PLEASE be sure to number your child's top choices for each period. I need these back by Friday.

PLEASE TURN IN $6.00 for Agendas and all beginning of school forms sent home last week in the Monday Folder if you have not already. Thanks to all the families who returned these last week!

DAILY AGENDA SIGNING: for the first month of school, parents will sign agendas daily to show that their child has read 20 minutes and completed assignments. Completing homework is the child's responsibility, so if your child does not do the work, don't sign the agenda for them. If your child gets stuck on a homework question, have them circle the question and ask me in the morning. This is good feedback for me as a teacher, so that I know what areas need more reinforcement.

It has been a great start so far. I will be posting upcoming events and more information later this week! Please don't hesitate to email me at if you have any questions.

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