Celebrating our Narrative Writing
With Writer-in-Residence
Kelly Starling Lyons
After a week long study of techniques of good narrative writing, students got to celebrate and share their finished stories with the class. I could see students had learned at lot from our writer in residence, sponsored by the PTA. They are focusing on small moments, writing with active verbs, using quotations and dialogue, and adding similes and metaphors to make stories come to life. Ms. Kelly also shared her published books with the class.
Using the microphone made for more dramatic performances. |
Ms. Kelly looks on as a student shares her story with the class |
Students enjoyed entertaining each other with their creative dialogue and descriptions. |
We began our study of electricity with an investigation of how to light a bulb. With 2 wires, a battery and a small bulb, each group of 4 was able to work cooperatively to get the bulb to light. The excitement in the room was ELECTRIC!