Goodbye to the 2014-15 school year...
It has been a truly amazing year of growth and learning in Room 316. Thank you all for the contributions you have made to this fine group of students. I hope they leave here confident in their skills. Read, rest and relax in these few months before fifth grade!
A HEARTY THANK YOU to all the parents who chaperoned our field trips, sent in snacks, pencils, tissues and other materials, who came in for conferences and sent emails. Parent involvement, parent/teacher communication and student's success go hand in hand. It has been great partnering with you. Please feel free to contact me in the future as needed. I am here for recommendations as well.
The NC Museum Projects were some of the finest I have ever seen. Congratulations to the historians for doing great research and putting together engaging and educational exhibits. It was most exciting to hear students talk so knowledgeably about their topics. This is learning at its finest. Thanks to all of the parents who were able to take some time to come visit the museum. For those who were unable to come, and those who want to savor the memories, here are a few pictures of the event.